
Anaconda Cut Supports the Salford Foodbank

Latest News, 27 June 2019

Staff and residents at Anaconda Cut are proud to support the Salford Foodbank. Located on Mocha Parade, 15 minutes from Anaconda Cut, the foodbank carries out vital work supporting the local community.

In the last 3 years, Salford Foodbank has seen a 20% increase in usage. With over 90% of food distributed by the Trussell Trust donated by the public, and demand now outstripping donations, we are pleased to be able to contribute to their valuable work.

Anaconda Cut’s Leasing & Resident Services Specialist, Hannah, recently visited the foodbank to learn more about what they offer.

As well as emergency food parcels, the foodbank team provide a friendly, welcoming environment to support people in getting back on their feet. Visitors can also speak to counsellors from MIND and professionals from the social housing sector.

“After visiting the team at Salford Foodbank and learning more about not only how they help people in crisis with food parcels but also how they support people to move forward in their lives, I am really glad that the community at Anaconda Cut will be able to support our wider community,” Hannah explained.

There are a number of ways our residents can show their support. We have set up a donation box in reception, in which staff and residents are welcome to drop off supplies. This also includes a wishlist of the most needed items.

We also have leaflets available with information about the work of Salford Foodbank and other ways to support them. Financial donations are always welcome, and UK taxpayers can giftaid their donation to make it go further.

Our work with the foodbank is just the latest in our community involvement, which also includes a partnership with White Rose to reduce landfill and support the work of the Aegis Trust by donating preloved clothes. You can read more about this initiative here.

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